Arakanese youth arrested and conscripted by Burmese Army

Arakanese youth arrested and conscripted by Burmese Army
Three Arakanese youth, who were travelling to Thailand in search of employment, were arrested by Burmese troops in the border town of Myawaddy in Karen State and conscripted into the Burmese Army...

Three Arakanese youth, who were travelling to Thailand in search of employment, were arrested by Burmese troops in the border town of Myawaddy in Karen State and conscripted into the Burmese Army.
After they were arrested, they were taken to the army recruitment camp and subsequently sent to the air force base in Metheikla in Central Burma, to participate in basic military training.
The youths were identified as Maung Win, the 17-year-old son of U Fru Shay from Lone Tang Village in Rathidaung Township, Nyi Pu, the 17-year-old son of U Maung Tin Hla of Zee Kone Village in Rathidaung Township, and Maung Saw Than, the 18-year-old son of Ma Khin Than of Sarkprun Ward in Sittwe.
The three young men had left Arakan to look for jobs in Thailand, shortly after celebrating the traditional New Year water festival in April. They were arrested in Myawaddy Town by army troops and conscripted, said a relative.
"They left Sittwe on April 20, by bus from the Shwe Pray Theik bus service, saying that they would go to Thailand. Their family members thought that they had already reached Thailand. However, the families just received letters from their sons and came to know that they were taking military training in Metheikla Town. They do not think it will be easy to get them back,” the relative added.
The three youths were arrested in Myawaddy Town and were threatened that they would be sent to prison, if they did not comply with the authorities.
Since the number of young people enlisting in the army is decreasing day by day, Burmese army troops often find ways to arrest young men and threaten them into conscription in order to increase the army's rank and file, said a source.
It has also been learnt that if a youth joins the Burmese Army in Arakan State, the local army will provide him with Kyat one lakh and one sack of rice for his family.
According to the Human Rights Watch, children as young as nine are faced with the threat of forcible recruitment by security forces in Burma, even in public places such as bus or railway stations, or markets.
In 2002, the Human Rights Watch published a report, which accused Burma of being the world's leading recruiter of child soldiers.