Security beefed up on western Burmese border

Security beefed up on western Burmese border
U Tun Kyaw, Maungdaw: Burma’s border security forces, the Nasaka and police personnel deployed in the border areas of western Burma are being reinforced and security has been beefed up from today, said an eyewitness...

U Tun Kyaw, Maungdaw: Burma’s border security forces, the Nasaka and police personnel deployed in the border areas of western Burma are being reinforced and security has been beefed up from today, said an eyewitness.

"At 9 a.m. about 200 border security personnel and police left for the outposts along the border with Bangladesh," said the source.

They headed for their outposts in the villages of Rocknyodaung, Lakera, Nga Khu ra and others, said an eyewitness.

"The people of Maungdaw are acutely aware of the beefed up security because not only Burmese troops but also police personnel are witnessing many more reinforcements in Maungdaw than earlier," the source said.

"Nonetheless, the people of Maungdaw don't know why the security is being tightened in that area. Many guess it is in connection with the barbed-wire fencing being erected along the border with Bangladesh," said a town dweller.

Besides the increase in security, different reports about the barbed-wire fencing have been spreading in the town.