UNHCR to boost operations in Northern Arakan

UNHCR to boost operations in Northern Arakan
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The UNHCR said on Thursday that it had decided to upgrade its program for Muslim minorities in Northern Arakan State in Burma, with immediate effect. The decision was taken during High Commissioner Antonio Guterre's six-day mission to Burma...

Maungdaw: The UNHCR said on Thursday that it had decided to upgrade its program for Muslim minorities in Northern Arakan State in Burma, with immediate effect.
The decision was taken during High Commissioner Antonio Guterre's six-day mission to Burma.
"On the basis of his observations and the discussions held, the High Commissioner came to the conclusion that the UNHCR's current level of activities in northern Rakhine State, does not correspond to the actual need, and a decision was taken to upgrade the program with immediate effect," the agency's statement revealed.
Apart from the capital Naypyidaw, Guterre, travelled to Sittwe, the capital of Arakan State, and to Myeik, a southern port town, in order to observe the field operations of the UNHCR, during his trip to Burma.
The UNHCR has decided to boost its priority sectors of health, education, water and sanitation, agriculture and infrastructure, and protection for the Muslim population in northern Arakan, according to the statement.
Guterre's mission to Arakan State followed reports of an incident involving Rohingya people from Arakan, in which hundreds of them, who had been attempting to flee Burma, had drowned after being forced back out to sea, in cramped boats by the Thai Army, earlier this year.
Thousands of Arakanese people have been escaping from their homeland, to be rid of economic hardships and government persecution, by taking risky routes to neighbouring countries, since the 1990's military coup in Burma.