Land mine explodes on border

Land mine explodes on border
A land mind exploded on the border between Burma and Bangladesh in the wee hours of Friday, reported the Dainik Cox's Bazaar on November 15...

A land mind exploded on the border between Burma and Bangladesh in the wee hours of Friday, reported the Dainik Cox's Bazaar on November 15.

The newspaper reported that Chairman Dopol Bawara said the land mine exploded on the Burmese side a few kilometers from the border gate in Kon Don, Bangladesh.

Local people said that some smugglers may have been affected by the explosion but no one has information of any casualties.

Nasaka, Burma's border security force in the area is trying to hush up the incident to avoid drawing the attention of the higher authorities in Burma, a local source said.

The land mine got triggered amid wide spread reports in the region that Burma's Nasaka forces have been planting land mines along the border following the tension with Bangladesh.