Min Bya villagers forced to repair road

Min Bya villagers forced to repair road
Burma's ruling military junta has been forcing villagers from Min Bya Township in Arakan State, to work on construction of roads on the Rangoon-Sittwe highway, without any wages since the beginning of this month, a local teacher said...

Burma's ruling military junta has been forcing villagers from Min Bya Township in Arakan State, to work on construction of roads on the Rangoon-Sittwe highway, without any wages since the beginning of this month, a local teacher said.

"The villagers have not received any pay from the authorities, but they are working there afraid that action will be taken against them," he said.

The authorities have also ordered households in the area to pay 5,000 kyat in the event of a member being unable to join the construction work.

"The order was issued by Major Zaw Lwin from the Division Central Training School No. 9, based in Kan Ni Village in Min Bya Township. However, it is being implemented by Police Inspector U Soe Shwe on Zaw Lwin's instructions," he said.

According to local sources, the Village Councils have summoned villagers from the villages of Swan Ray, Kraung Ri Chaung, Chaung Ri and Pali Pauk to work on the road repair project, but they are acting on the instructions of Inspector U Soe Shwe.

Several parts of the Rangoon-Sittwe highway were damaged during the monsoons and the authorities have forced many villagers along the route to work on road repairs.

"It is not only people from the four villages, other villagers located near the road were also forced by the authorities to repair the roads," he added.

Earlier, the Burmese military had proclaimed that there was no longer any forced labour in Burma, however, forced labour continues unabated in Arakan State, especially in remote areas.