CNA ambushes Burmese Army troops

CNA ambushes Burmese Army troops
The Chin National Army ambushed a column of the Burmese Army on Tuesday on the Indo-Burma border when the Burmese soldiers were patrolling the area, said a local villager ...

Paletwa: The Chin National Army ambushed a column of the Burmese Army on Tuesday on the Indo-Burma border when the Burmese soldiers were patrolling the area, said a local villager who fled to Bangladesh out of fear of action by the army.

"The CNA began its ambush of the Burmese Army column in the early morning near Shwe Late Wa Village under Paletwa Township, and I heard one Burmese Army soldier received critical injuries during the clash," he said.

The gun fight only lasted five minutes, but heavy fire was exchanged between the two sides. According to an army source, the column led by Captain Kywee Wa was ambushed by the CNA forces while it was
on duty on the frontlines of the Indian border.

The column is from Light Infantry Battalion 550 based in Ponna Kyunt, located 20 miles north of Sittwe.

The villager said that the Burmese Army authorities are conducting an operation in the area following the ambush. It was also learnt that many villagers are now avoiding the area out of fear that the authorities may force them to work as porters or otherwise mistreat them.