Senior General Maung Aye to visit Bangladesh next month

Senior General Maung Aye to visit Bangladesh next month
Senior General Maung Aye, Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, and the number two man in the Burmese military junta hierarchy, will be in Bangladesh on a three-day official visit ...

Senior General Maung Aye, Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, and the number two man in the Burmese military junta hierarchy, will be in Bangladesh on a three-day official visit in October, according to a report by Bangladesh news agency BSS.

He is expected to lead a 50-member delegation including senior government officials and businessmen during his visit to Burma's western neighbour.

Bangladesh's foreign ministry reportedly stated that some ministers, including Burmese Foreign Minister Nyan Win, and top officials of the Burmese military government will be in the high-powered delegation.

General Maung Aye is scheduled to arrive in Dhaka during the first week of October and will visit some business ventures and institutes located in Dhaka and Chittagong.

During the senior general's visit, some bilateral cooperation agreements between the two neighbours are expected to be signed.

Senior General Maung Aye was scheduled to visit Bangladesh last year but the trip was postponed due to unrest in Burma after monks staged nationwide demonstrations against the junta.