Three Nasaka deserters arrive in Bangladesh

Three Nasaka deserters arrive in Bangladesh
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Narinjara News
Dhaka: Three men arrived on Friday in Bangladesh after deserting from Nasaka, the infamous border security force based in western Burma.

Dhaka: Three men arrived on Friday in Bangladesh after deserting from Nasaka, the infamous border security force based in western Burma.

The three were identified as Thwe Naing, Private No. TA 360757, Zaw Myo Tun, Private No. 360756, and Aung Than Win, Private No. 353584. They were serving at Nasaka headquarters in Kyi Kan Byint in Maungdaw.

 "We were tortured by Nasaka officials and they also urged us to oppress the local people. We do not want to oppress people, so we deserted the Nasaka," Ko Zaw Myo Tun said.

The three men are now sheltered in Bangladesh and are preparing to apply for refugees status with the UNHCR office.

"We are preparing to seek safety as refugees with the UNHCR if we have the chance, because we are worried about our security here," he said.

According to a local source, most Nasaka men ranked as privates are facing hunger as their salaries are insufficient for their survival. And many men have deserted Nasaka due to this hardship.

"The monthly salary is only 21,000 kyat for a Nasaka man, but in Maungdaw, the price of ordinary rice is 25,000 kyat for a [50-kilogram] sack. All private Nasaka men are faced with hunger due to their salary being inadequate for their daily survival," he said.

"Hunger is also another reason for deserting from Nasaka," another deserter Ko Thwe Naing added.

Many Nasaka men on the western border are now involved in many areas of corruption in order to get extra money from outside their jobs for daily living.