Two villagers killed for involvement in Saffron Revolution

Two villagers killed for involvement in Saffron Revolution
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Narinjara News
Two village level leaders from Kyaukpru Township in Arakan State were brutally killed after being arrested by the police from a hide out in the township, said their colleague who recently arrived on the western border of Burma.

Two village level leaders from Kyaukpru Township in Arakan State were brutally killed after being arrested by the police from a hide out in the township, said their colleague who recently arrived on the western border of Burma.

"My friends Maung Ba Tin and Maung Saw Han were recently killed by the police from the Myo Chaung police station soon after they were arrested from an abandoned place in Kyaukpru Township," he added.

The victim Maung Ba Tin(30) hailed from Long Chaung Village, while the other victim, Maung Saw Han (420 was from Mon Byint Village in Kyaukpru Township.

They were arrested and killed by the police for leading people in village tract number seven, in southern Kyaukpru, during the Saffron Revolution protests in September 2007.

"The incident was known to everybody in the area and they had to kill them six months after the Saffron Revolution. They were hiding in the jungle after the Saffron Revolution due to fear of arrest," he said.

The killing was done by Police Sergeant Tin Win Shwe from Myo Chaung police station. They were killed on an embankment in Myo Chaung Village after being severely tortured by the police.

The family members of the victims have not had the chance to complain about the murder to the township court of Kyaukpru because police have stopped them from leaving the village to do so, the colleague added.