NLD member arrested for possessing party statement

NLD member arrested for possessing party statement
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Narinjara News
Source::Narinjara News
Dhaka: Persecution on the run up to the referendum on the draft constitution has been stepped up in Burma. A member of the National League for Democracy in Rambree Township in Arakan State was arrested on Sunday by the town's police. He was in possession of some statements on the ensuing referendum that were issued by the NLD Rangoon headquarters, states a NLD report.

Dhaka: Persecution on the run up to the referendum on the draft constitution has been stepped up in Burma. A member of the National League for Democracy in Rambree Township in Arakan State was arrested on Sunday by the town's police. He was in possession of some statements on the ensuing referendum that were issued by the NLD Rangoon headquarters, states a NLD report.

The NLD member was identified as Ko Thein Lwin from Ward One in Rambree, located on Rambree Island in Arakan State. He was arrested following a raid on his house by the police at 9 p.m. on the day.

An eyewitness said the arrest followed when Ko Thein Lwin brought some statements from Rambree Township NLD Chairman U Ran Shwe to distribute among the people of the town.

The statement was issued by the NLD headquarters to mobilize Burmese people against the referendum.

In the statement, the party urged people to cast the 'no' vote on the draft constitution being put to referendum.

"The NLD is a legal political party and party members have the right to distribute party statements among the people, but the police arrested our member against the law of Burma," a senior member from Rambree Township NLD said.

Ko Thein Lwin is being detained at the Rambree police station for interrogation.

Three NLD members in Taungup Township in southern Arakan State were arrested on March 27 and 28 and the authorities are preparing criminal charges against them.