Burmese family escapes to Bangladesh

Burmese family escapes to Bangladesh
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Narinjara News
Cox's Bazaar: A family of four escaped to Bangladesh from Burma on Monday to apply for refugee status with the UNHCR after the Burmese military authorities tried to arrest them for their involvement in the Saffron Revolution, said one of the family members.

Cox's Bazaar: A family of four escaped to Bangladesh from Burma on Monday to apply for refugee status with the UNHCR after the Burmese military authorities tried to arrest them for their involvement in the Saffron Revolution, said one of the family members.

"We have come here to evade arrest by the authorities because I was involved in the Saffron Revolution," said Ma Moe Sanda.

Ma Moe Sanda (41) hails from Yan Kin Township in Rangoon and was the sales manager of a company that had close associations with high-ranking officials in the Burmese military regime.

"I am Buddhist, how can I be silent over the authority's killing of monks. So I was involved in the demonstration to protest against the killing of monks," Ma Moe said.

Ma Moe San was transferred to Sittwe from Rangoon by her employer after the Saffron Revolution ended due to her involvement in the protests.

"The company wanted to fire me from my job but this was impossible in Rangoon because there are some human rights defenders there, and the media is also more active there than any other place in Burma. The company was also afraid of damaging its reputation, to the authorities transferred me to Sittwe," Ma Moe said.

When Ma Moe arrived in Sittwe the company took action against her by lodging false charges.

"I was fired from the job a few days after I arrived in Sittwe and the company authorities lodged a false complaint at the police station against me. So I left Sittwe for Bangladesh in a machine boat to find refuge in the neighbouring country," she said.

Ma Moe, who is a Burman national, came to Bangladesh with her three-year-old son, eighteen-month-old son, and her husband Hla Tun Naing.

The family is currently staying in the district border town of Cox's Bazaar and they will travel to Dhaka in the next few days to apply to the UNHCR for recognition as refugees.