Baby with Male and Female Genitals Born in Arakan

Baby with Male and Female Genitals Born in Arakan
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An unusual baby with both male and female genital organs was born in a government hospital in Arakan State, western Burma, said a source in the hospital.

3 organs“A woman named Daw Wai Wai Mar gave birth to a baby with two male genital organs and a female genital organ during the morning hours of 10th October in our hospital,” said a physician from Gwa Township Hospital.

The baby was fathered by U Ye Pin Htoo, who lives in Kyaung Gon Village of Rahai Kudao Village Tract in Gwa township located in the southern most part of Arakan.

The Physician said: “The baby weighs around 7 pounds and both the baby and its mother are doing well,”

The management of Gwa township hospital is waiting for instructions from the Arakan State Health Department regarding the extraordinary baby. Though confused the hospital management are ensuring the baby receives the best of care.