BGB chief scheduled to visit Burma next week

BGB chief scheduled to visit Burma next week
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Top officials from Bangladesh’s border security forces are expected to visit Burma (Myanmar) next week. On Sunday, Bangladeshi Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali informed the media that the Director General of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB), Aziz Ahmed, will visit Burma on June 9 with a high-level delegation to discuss various border-related issues with his Burmese counterparts.

BGB-DGForeign Minister Ali was quoted as saying that “We will do whatever is needed [on border security]” during a press conference during which he provided details of BGB’s upcoming Burma trip to local Bangladeshi media outlets.
For some time, the border between Bangladesh and Burma has remained tense, with sporadic clashes between BGB personnel and Burma’s Border Guard Police (BGP) occasionally breaking out. Most recently, a BGB officer was killed in a clash between the two countries’ border security forces last Wednesday, May 28th.

Last week’s deadly incident prompted both the countries to deploy more security forces along the border, and Bangladesh’s government even summoned Burmese Ambassador Myo Myint Than twice after the clash. The Burmese ambassador received an official letter from Bangladesh’s government protesting what Bangladesh believes was an unprovoked attack by Burma’s BGP .

On Saturday, Burma’s BGP was supposed to hand over the deceased BGB member’s body. However, while the body was being delivered another exchange of gunfire broke out, according to Kaladan Press.

Although tensions remain high, the situation along the border has improved somewhat since last week. Bangladeshi Foreign Minister Ali even went as far as saying that “The situation has improved a lot after the tension actually cooled down in the localities .”  Ali also claimed that the border forces of both countries have resumed their regular job responsibilities, implying that such activities normally don’t involve the exchange of gunfire along the border.

Foreign Minister Ali also informed local news media that a day-long “foreign office consultation” between Bangladesh and Burma will take place in Dhaka on June 18th for purposes of discussing all relevant border issues in a comprehensive manner.