Arakan National Party receives official recognition

Arakan National Party receives official recognition
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Now it is official-Arakan National Party (ANP) has been recognized by the Myanmar Election Commission. According to Dr Aye Maung, chairman of Rakhine National Development Party (RNDP),  the ANP has been legalized by the highest electoral body of Burma on March 7 last.

As the ANP is the outcome of series of discussions & resolutions between  the leaders of RNDP and Arakan League for Democracy (ALD) to get a solo party for the cause of Arakanese people, both the political parties are now to be wiped out. The party leaders also signed a final agreement on June 17 last year for the formation of ANP.

“As we start working under the banner of ANP, the constitutions of both RNDP and ALD will be on hold. We now feel more organized and also responsible than before,” added the influential Arakanese leader.

He also added that the first step should be to reorganize all the township offices of RNDP & ALD into one (that of ANP).

Then membership drives should be done for ANP across the Arakan State. The township working committees are also to be formed and each township should send a suitable representative for the  first Arakan National Convention, reveled Dr Aye Maung.