11 Arakanese Buddhists released from Thandwe prison

11 Arakanese Buddhists released from Thandwe prison
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Altogether 11 Arakanese Buddhists were released on bail from Thandwe prison in the last fortnight  as they completed nearly two months behind bars. They were convicted for their involvements in the sectarian violence that broke out in October 2012, said officials representing the government and the social networking group.

Ko Moe Myint and Ko Thein Win were released from Thandwe prison on 11 December, while the other nine inmates were released on 3 December 2013.

Among those convicted there was one well-known politician named U Soe Hlaing alias U Maung Pu, who is the president of Rakhine Nationalities Development Party’s Thandwe township unit.

“Our president U Maung Pu with 8 other inmates was released on bail on 3 December. The Thandwe township court passed the order after it found that they have very little role in the violence” said U Maung Pru, secretary of RNDP Thandwe township.

They were charged by the police with the provocation act under section 501 (B) for their role in motivating the people to indulge in the riot.

The local residents of Thandwe township alleged that the police had detained many innocent individuals of the town only with the suspicion.  The residents also urged the authority to release them if the police can not find any solid proofs of their involvement with the sectarian violence.

The authority arrested altogether 102 persons connecting to the Thandwe violence. Among them, 9 persons were released without any punishment as they were proved to be innocent. However the police accused 93 persons, most of them are Buddhists, for their definite roles in the violence.

A released prisoner named Ko Myint Moe claims that there are nearly 80 people still inside the prison relating to the Thandwe violence.

They have been produced before the court group by group, revealed Ko Myint Moe.