India donates US$ 1 million for Arakan education

India donates US$ 1 million for Arakan education
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The Indian Union government has provided one million USD to the Arakan province government of Burma (Myanmar) to help the western Burmese State to develop its education sector.  According to an Arakan State government report, the amount was handed over on  September 3 last in a function held in Sittwe.

A construction site of India project in Sittwe.

HE  Gautam Mukhopadhaya, the Indian Ambassador to Myanmar,  gave away the donation to the Arakan government. The chief of Arakan State parliament, U Htin Lin, accepted the donation from the Indian diplomat, on behalf of the Arakan government, in the meeting, said the report.

Many government officials and distinguished residents of the Arakan capital city were present on the occasion.

According to government sources, 20 schools situated in four Arakanese townships namely Sittwe, Minbya, Kayuk Taw and Maungdaw will be constructed by the donation.

The Indian diplomat paid a visit to Arakan to inspect the ongoing construction process of the ambitious Kaladan project, which supposes to give northeast India an access to the Burmese seaport at Sittwe, during which he attended the donation program.