Arakanese Buddhists sentenced to prison for attack on Muslim village

Arakanese Buddhists sentenced to prison for attack on Muslim village
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Five Arakanese Buddhists were sentenced to imprisonment for 3 years accounting their roles in the attack on a Muslim village last year during the sectarian violence in Arakan State of western Burma.

Gwa-300x214The Sittwe district court passed the verdict against the accused yesterday,  said Daw Nu Sein, a senior lawyer who defended the Arakanese nationals in the court.

The accused persons namely U Tun Shwe Maung hails from Purin Gon village, U Maung Maung Naing from Maung Tha Gon village, U Myin Naing from Pan Mraung village and U Kan Tha Aung & Maung Htwe Sein from Kyaung Daung village.

“They (five accused Arakanese nationals) are punished under the Act 136 for the attack on Purin Gon Muslim village of Mrauk U township,” added the lady lawyer. She also revealed that all the accused persons hail from villages located under Mrauk U and Min Bya townships.

Mentionable is that violence broke out in Purin Gon Muslim village and Parin Gon Buddhist village under Mrauk U township in October last year,  where half a dozen people were killed and many houses were set on fire by the miscreants.