Preparation for constitution of Arakan National Party going on

Preparation for constitution of Arakan National Party going on
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Arakan League for Democracy (ALD) and Rakhine National Development Party (RNDP) have formed a  committee to prepare a constitution for Arakan National Party. The decision was taken in a meeting held in the Arakan capital city yesterday, said a party source.


The meeting witnessed the participation of six delegates from each party and it was organized in the ALD office of Sittwe. The preparation for a new constitution becomes essential as both the Arakan based political parties (ALD and RNDP) resolved to emerge as a single entity (Aakan National Party).

‘We are now trying to draw a new constitution for the party (ANP). We formed a committee with six members representing both the parties to do the job. The committee will submit the draft constitution in the next meeting,” said U Khaing Pray Soe, who led RNDP delegation in the meeting.

The constitution drawing committee comprises Khaing Pray So, Daw Aye Nu Sein and U Khin Maung Gri from the RNDP and U Kyaw Myint, U Tun Nyo and U Ba Kyaw from the ALD.

The next meeting between the two parties is scheduled for 25 August where the constitution is expected to be approved for registering the ANP with the Burmese election commission as a political party. The constitution committee is understood to prepare the ANP constitution with the basis of ALD and RNDP constitutions.

Soon after the completion of the constitution, both the parties will emerge into a single party (Arakan National Party) with  15 central committee members from each party. Later the new party will register with the election commission to contest in the 2015 general election of Burma.