ALP urges for a stronger National Army for Arakanese

ALP urges for a stronger National Army for Arakanese
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Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), one of the ceasefire ethnic armed groups of  Burma, has called upon the Arakanese people to build a stronger Army to fight for the freedom and to defend the indigenous people.

Khaing-Moe-linIn a statement issued on 4 June, the ALP made the appeal commemorating the 36th anniversary of Khaing Moe Lun’s fall. One can remember that on 4 June 1977, the ALP founder Khaing Moe Lun fell down fighting with the Burmese Army.

Mourning the demise to Khaing Moe Lun, the ALP termed the present time as crucial period for the Arakanese people. The land of Arakan is today witnessing the conflict of interest under the deadlock of Burmanization and Islamization which has finally threatened the existence of the Arakanese people.

The ALP claims that the successive rulers of Burma have only destroyed and exploited the natural resources of Arakan without the consent of Arakanese people.

“Hence the Arakanese people today need a strong modern Army to protect the indigenous people, the land and our natural resources. Without a stronger force we can not achieve our goal,” stated in the statement.

Mentionable is that the ALP has its own arm wing named Arakan Liberation Army, which is based in Thailand- Burma, India- Burma and Bangladesh-Arakan (Burma) border areas.  The Arakan army has around 300 combatants, which is somehow not considered as a powerful unit.

However the intelligent source claims that there is a stronger Arakanese army in the Kachin State.  Arakan Army, raised by some Arakanese young leaders, has already recruited nearly 2000 trained fighters. They are now stationed at Burma-China border areas, where Kachin Independent Organization (KIO) enjoys tremendous influences. It is understood that the Arakan Army has been supported by the KIO leadership.

The ALP’s statement is seen as a signal to combine all Arakanese armed groups under one umbrella with an aim to fight for the freedom of Arakanese, observed some analysts.

The ALP statement revealed that their visionary leader Khaing Moe Lun formed the armed outfit in the territory of Karen National Union  in 1973 and he  maintained his struggle with the support from the biggest rebel group of Burma, which is fighting for the self-determination.

Khaing Moe Lun, who dedicated his life for the Arakanese people, died in the battle against the Burmese army in 1977, when the ALP led the 2000 Mile March from Karen to Arakan State across several Burmese ethnic revolutionary groups dominated States like Karenni, Shan and Kachin.