10 Arakanese involved in sectarian violence sentenced to prison

10 Arakanese involved in sectarian violence sentenced to prison
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(Narinjara- 9 May 2013): At least ten Arakanese, who were found guilty for their involvement in sectarian violence against the Muslims, were sentenced to prison by the Sittwe District court on 7 May last, said lawyers and relatives of the accused.

The court has ordered 9 months to three years imprisonment to the accused Arakanese as a punishment for their involvement in the violence that erupted during last June in Arakan State of western Burma, added an informer who also pointed out that all the accused persons hail from Kyauk Taw Township areas, which is closer to India border on the bank of Kaladan river.

Speaking to Narinjara News, lawyer Daw Aye Nu Sein who advocated the cases for the convicts informed that the court had sentenced his clients for arson and rioting under section no 379 and 436.

Six accused who were sentenced to three years imprisonment include Ko Kyaw Hla Pru & Maung Tun Win hailing from Kyauk Pru Wra Thit, Maung Thein Win & Ko Kyaw Aye Chay from Wra Thit Kay, Maung San from Okk kyut and Saw Shwe Maung from Kathit Taw village.

Three accused who got one year imprisonment include  Kyaw San & Kyaw San Win from Kathit Taw village and Aung Than Htay from Kyauk Pru Wra Thit. One accused who was sentenced to 9 months imprisonment is Ko San Ray Kyaw who hails from Kyauk Pru Wa Thit.

As the families of the accused are not satisfied with the verdict, they have decided to appeal in the higher court, the lawyer added.

It was learned that nearly 1843 people were arrested under 226 lawsuits in response to last year’s sectarian violence that took lace in Arakan State.