Fierce Battle Between Unidentified Armed Group and Burma Army

Fierce Battle Between Unidentified Armed Group and Burma Army
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Fierce fighting between the Burma army and an unidentified armed group occurred on Sunday night in northern Maungdaw in Arakan State near the Bangladeshi border, according to locals.


The residents said the fighting that broke out around 8:30 pm lasted for over two hours.

“The Burmese army is said to have encountered an armed group coming from the other side of the border in the Bandhula area between border pillars (52) and (53). The fighting started around 8:30 pm and lasted until 11 pm. We heard fire from heavy weapons as well,” said a local resident from Aung Tha Pray, situated close to where the fighting took place.

At the time of press there are no more details about fighting.

One man was killed and three soldiers on their way to a Burmese army construction camp were taken hostage by an armed group on Nov. 6. The attack occurred near where the Sunday clash happened. The Burma army has reportedly sent 6 infantry battalions to search for the missing men