Three Buddhist Arakanese Corpses Recovered Near A Muslim Village

Three Buddhist Arakanese Corpses Recovered Near A Muslim Village
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The bodies of three Arakanese men who have been missing after the sectarian violence in October were finally recovered this Saturday near Muslim village Pa Rim.

rakhine_refugees1According to one Buddhist Arakanese man, the men’s bodies were discovered after Muslims provided information to their whereabouts.

 “We demanded several times that the Muslim villagers hand over the bodies so they can be buried them in the Buddhist custom. Eventually they agreed and pointed out the location where the bodies were veiled,” said the man.

The three Buddhist Arakanese men were killed during a clash between Buddhists and Muslims in Pa Rim Muslim village between Oct. 22- 24. Their names are; U Hla Tun Sein, 60, Laung Pun Prauk ward, U Maung Khin, 49, Kyat Zi ward and U Maung Bu Chay,42, from Myim Kaungdan ward.

However even the families of the missing men couldn’t properly identify their relatives due to the decaying state of the corpses.

“We brought the bodies to Mrauk U Township hospital morgue the same day. After an autopsy was conducted, they were buried in the evening,” he said.

The violent clash in Pa Rim village between Buddhists and Muslims resulted in least 20 people from both sides being killed. Many more were injured.