Five Head Monks Invited To Rangoon

Five Head Monks Invited To Rangoon
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Five senior monks from Sittwe were invited to Rangoon by the directorate ministry of religious affairs on Oct.2 for consultation regarding the restoration of peace and order in the western region of Arakan State.

The monks are abbots for; Pathein, Dakkhina Rama, Mani Ratanar, Nandar Rama and Dhamma Thukha Monasteries.

They were invited to discuss the “violent unrest in Arakan State” in order to “control the monks and other people from further unrest in the region” and “from becoming involved in communal conflicts in Arakan State, said Sittwe Buddhist monk Ven. U Nyarna.

During their trip to Rangoon, they also met with several senior government officials to discuss their roles in mediating the conflict and restoring peace and order in the state.