Many People Killed By Army During Sectarian Violence

Many People Killed By Army During Sectarian Violence
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Arakan State: Several people have been killed by the Myanmar military during sectarian violence that has re-erupted in Arakan State.

Three people were killed in the morning on Oct.25, at around 6 am following a clash between Arakanese Buddhists and Muslims, in Kyauk Taw Township, near Upper Kaladan River. Two of the three people who died were Arakanese Buddhists shot by the military. The victims have been identified as; U Kyaw Thein, (37), son of U Maung U Pru; U Zaw win (38), son of U Maung Kyaw and U Tun Aung Tha, (45), son of U Maung Thein Nyunt.

According to sources, the violence broke out in Muslim village  Paik Thei, located just a few kilometers south of Kyauk Ta.

More violence took place in the morning of  the same day, 20 miles north of Sittwe, in Southern Rathidaung Township. Two Arakanese were killed and 9 others injured after the army opened fire.

According to a local, the two men killed were: Thein Hla Maung from Kyaun Gyi village and Aung Zan Wai from Kan Chaung village. The wounded were sent to Sittwe General Hospital by motor boat. A female relative of one person who was injured said some were in critical condition.

Army personnel opened fire on a crowd who had gathered near the Muslim village Naung Pin Gyi. The village was being guarded by the army in the event of an attack. 

There were also many violent incidents around Mrauk U Township, on Oct.23.

Arakanese men, Maung Aung Myint, (28), and Maung Soe Soe, (27),from Pan Myunt, were killed by security forces after a mob converged on the Muslim village Nagara.

There were other  Arakanese fatalities, also shot by security forces during  violence that broke out in Yin and Pa Rim villages, in Mrauk U Township, from Oct. 23-24, according to locals.