Arakan Investigation Commission Arrives in Sittwe

Arakan Investigation Commission Arrives in Sittwe
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Members of the commission to investigate the recent unrest in Arakan State have come to Sittwe, the Arakan capital.


“There were a total of 19 members who have come to Sittwe airport at around 2:40 pm yesterday (the 7th) by Myanmar airway. I myself went to receive them at the airport”, a reporter of a local journal told Narinjara.

The Chairman Dr. Myo Nyaunt, U Kyaw Nyaunt, U Soe Thein (a) Maung Wan Tha, Daw Than Than Nu, U Khin Maung Swe, U Aye Thar Aung, Dr. Yin Yin New, Dr. Salai Ngwe Kyan Lyan, U Tin Aung Moe, U Aung Naing Oo are said to have been included among the 19 members of the commission.

The local departmental officials led by the Chief Minister of Arakan State, U Hla Maung Tin, received the members of the commission in Sittwe.

The members of the commission are also said to have held a meeting with nine senior Buddhist monks in Maha Waiyan Hall in Lokar Nandar Pagoda in Sittwe in order to do some preliminary investigations about the unrest.

The commission to investigate unrest in Arakan State was formed by the president on the 17th of August with the members including leaders of political parties, as well as Muslim and Christian religious leaders.

According to an intelligence source the commission will carry out their investigation for nine days and will return to Rangoon on September the 15th.

It is learnt that the team has traveedl from Sittwe to Kyauktaw and Mrauk-U, Maungdaw, Rathidaung and Rambree for further investigations.