Commander Level Flag Meetings Between Burma and Bangladesh resume

Commander Level Flag Meetings Between Burma and Bangladesh resume
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Commander level flag meetings between Burma and Bangladesh resumed in Maungdaw, a western border town of Burma, on the 6th of September 5 months after they were stopped.

Teknaf-Pic-05-09-2012The commander level flag meeting was usually every month between the two neighbors but it had been stopped since June 2012 due to the sectarian violence in Arakan state.

“Yes, the flag meeting resumed in Maungdaw on the 6th of September. 10 delegates from Bangladesh and 16 delegates from Myanmar attended the meeting,” said a government official said.

The 10 member Bangladesh team was led by BGB sector commander of Chittagong Mr Mohamad Ziluhouk while the 16 member Burmese team was led by U Tun Aung, Nasaka No 5 sector  commander from Nga Khura, northern Maungdaw township.

“The two delegations discussed on many bilateral border issues including border trade, human trafficking, drug smuggling, cross border crimes and security sector cooperation in the five hour long meeting,” the official said.

The meeting is usual and while some agreements were reached in the meeting, he declined to disclose details of the agreements.

The meeting was concluded at 3 PM on the day.

The situation is normal along the border between the two neighboring countries but the border trade has not reached its normal levels as many traders in both sites are remaining wary of border trade.