Village drinking-water ponds poisoned in Kyaukpru

Village drinking-water ponds poisoned in Kyaukpru
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Some miscreants have reportedly put poison in two drinking-water ponds in Kapaingchaung Village under Grungree Group in Kyaukpru Township in Arakan State.

A female resident of Kapaingchaung Village said the ponds were poisoned during the night on Wednesday.

“We do not know who has put the poisons in our drinking-water ponds. We found many dead fish in the ponds on Thursday’s morning. But no human disaster has happened in our village. We heard some doctors from Kyaukpru are coming to investigate the ponds”, said the woman.

A team of 15 policemen is said to have arrived in the village to do investigations on the ponds jointly with the doctors.

“Policemen have already arrived in our village and they are waiting for the doctors to investigate the ponds. But they have not asked the villagers anything about the ponds yet. Most of the villagers are suspecting two Muslim men regarding the incident”, said the woman.

Kapaingchaung Village is situated 10 miles east of Kyaukpru main town.

Such incidents have occurred in a number of townships during the recent violent unrest in Arakan State. Tarertan Pond, the water of which the town people use for their washing and drinking in nearby Mraybon, was reportedly poisoned by some miscreants on 29th of June as well