Peace Committee Inclusive of Different Religions Formed in Sittwe

Peace Committee Inclusive of Different Religions Formed in Sittwe
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The government of Arakan State has formed a public committee with priests and elders of different religions and communities in the regional capital Sittwe to work for peace and stability and to ward off any untoward communal problems in the region, said a minister of the government.


U Aung Than Tin, Minister of Forest and Mining from the regional government, told Narinjara that the committee for regional peace and stability was formed on Wednesday under the supervision of his government.

“The government’s ministers, the priests and elders of Buddhists as well as Muslims are included on the committee. Everyone has desires to live their lives in peace and stability. So we have formed the committee to work for peace and stability in our region,” said U Aung Than Tin.

He added that the committee was formed into three groups, and there are 40 members including government officials on the committee.

“The committee will mainly endeavor to prevent any racial or sectarian riots in our region. So many rumors are now spreading in our region. The committee members will investigate those rumors and preach to their respective communities if they are right or wrong,” he said.

U Aung Than Tin also urged people in the region not to believe any rumors that may spark mistrust and communal riots amongst themselves.

The committee is said to have started its activities for peace and stability and the situation in the capital Sittwe is currently calm and normal, and under control.