Leaders of six political parties to attend political Seminar in Australia

Leaders of six political parties to attend political Seminar in Australia
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The leaders of six political parties in Burma will attend a political seminar in Australia which is conducted by the Center for Democratic Institutions (CDI) at Australia National University.

CanberraThe leaders who will attend the seminar are U Hla Saw from RNDP, U Zozam from CNP, Dr. Than Nyein from NDF, Daw Than Than Nu from Democratic Party, U Tun Thein from NUP and U Hla Maung from Democratic Development Party.

“We are invited by the Center for Democratic Institutions (CDI) that is an organization under the Australia National University to attend a political program that is scheduled to be held from 21 to 25 May”, said U Oo Hla Saw, the General Secretary of the RNDP.

He said the program titled “Political Party Leadership Program” will be held in Canberra, the capital of Australia, and besides politicians from Burma, 4 from Indonesia, 2 from Thailand, 1 from Philippine and 1 from Malaysia are also invited to the program.

“Total 14 politicians including the six from our country will attend the program. The program is for exchanging thoughts between the political parties of democratic countries and discussing the procedures and difficulties of their respective parties”, he said.

U Oo Hla Saw said he will depart from Rangoon on 18 May to attend the program in Australia.