First Conference of Arakanese Major Political Party to be held

First Conference of Arakanese Major Political Party to be held
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The first conference of Rakhine Nationalities Development Party, the wining party of Arakan in 2010 general election, will be held in May 29, 2012.

RNDP-Invitation-letter-1-300x200U Aung Kyaw Zan, the president of the organizing committee told Narinjara that the conference will be held in U Ottama Conference Hall in Sittwe.

‘May 29 is confirmed to be the date of the conference. About 100 representatives will attend. The main discussion in the conference will be on the activities regarding party development and party consolidation. A critical analysis of the Party Constitution will be initiated and selection of committee members will be conducted ’

The agenda for the conference is being developed through negotiation and some decisions have been delegated to particular agendas.

‘The party constitution and its articles will be mainly considered for updating.  Another thing is the normal procedures of the constitution and the selection of people will be discussed. In addition, reports from the current CECs will be heard and analyzed and they will be used for further development.’

5 representatives from each township will attend the conference. Besides representatives from 17 Arakanese townships, representatives from Yangon will also attend.

‘Conference representatives 90, plus CEC 40 will make the attendees 130. There will also be observers such as experts on different disciplines and party supporters.’ said U Aung Kyaw Zan.

Funds for the conference will come from the party leaders, U Myint Naing, the treasury of the the Party, told Narinjara.

This party conference will select the new CECs and one president, two deputy presidents, one secretary, two secretariats, one treasurer, and the conference will also select different departments.