NLD opens village-level offices in Arakan

NLD opens village-level offices in Arakan
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The National League for Democracy has been opening village-level offices in Arakan State with an aim to educate the ideology of democracy to the rural people, said U Khin Hla, a regional leader of the party.


“We have already opened village-level offices in a number of rural villages in Taungup Township. Our main target is to spread the ideology of democracy among the rural villagers in our region”, said U Khin Hla.

He said his party opened its village branches in Sarprun Village on April 28, Ngaroketaung Village on 29 April, Kyawkai Village on May 1, Bueshwemaw Village on May 2, Kularaung Village on May 4, Panhtawkyun and Natkan Villages on May 5 in Taungup Township respectively.

“The rural villagers should know the basic ideology of democracy. Every citizen of a democratic country should know about the essence of democracy and the constitution of their state. They should know their rights as well as their responsibilities and obligations as a citizen. They should know the policies of our NLD party as well. Now they will get this knowledge as we have opened our offices in their villages”, he said.

U Khin Hla said though they could successfully open offices in some villages, they have faced obstructions and disturbances in some other villages in Taungup Township.

“Distinctly we faced disturbance and obstruction by a village administrator known as Maung Win while we were receiving new members and preparing to open our offices in Tarray, Myohaung, Taungsauk, and Kyauktatar Villages in the Thunchikaing Village Tract in Taungup Township. He told us that without his permission, no party can carry out any activities in the villages. We have complained to the higher authorities, but no action is taken against him yet”, said U Khin Hla.

The NLD was well establishment in Taungup Township in southeastern Arakan State during the 1990 elections. The military authorities of the former regime cracked down on the party in the township arresting and imprisoning its leaders and members after the elections. The party’s Chairman U Kyaw Khine, Secretary U Khin Hla and Treasurer U Min Aung were included among those arrested and imprisoned and they were released in recent years.

The party reopened its office in Taungup on 22 February 2012.