Burmese MPs on Study Tour to German Parliament

Burmese MPs on Study Tour to German Parliament
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A delegation of Burmese members of parliament left for Germany on 5 May to study the country’s parliament.

Dr-Aye-Maung-RNDP-250Dr. Aye Maung, Chairman of the Rakhine Nationalities Development Party and one of the MPs in the delegation, told Narinjara before his departure that his delegation was invited by the German parliament to observe its procedures.

“We are visiting Germany on the invitation of the upper and lower houses of their parliament. The German parliament will be convened from the 7th to the 11th this month and we will be able to study practically the whole session of their parliament – how it is convened and how the MPs work in it, etc,” said Dr. Aye Maung.

U Sai Aik Paung, Chairman of the Shan Nationalities Democratic Party, representatives from the people’s parliament U Win Oo, U Win Than, and U Aye Mauk from the Union Solidarity and Development Party, and U Min Oo and Dr. Hla Myat Thwe from the National League for Democracy are reportedly among the delegation sent to Germany.

“We hope that we will have some gains from our study because Germany is now a country at the forefront of democracy in Europe. And it can be beneficial to us because we have to study how we can impart our experiences of the performances of the German parliament and its government in developing our politics to federalism,” said Dr. Aye Maung.

The delegation to Germany is said to be part of three separate delegations led by the Speaker of the People’s Parliament Thura Shwe Mann on the tour to study the parliaments in Germany, Belgium, and Norway from 5 to 18 May.

It was also learnt that a female parliamentary delegation, including Daw Khin Saw Wai from the RNDP and Daw Mi Myint Than from the All Mon Region Democracy Party will make their respective study tour to Norway from 13 to 18 May as well.