The United Nations Human Rights expert on Monday met five political prisoners in Rangoon's notorious Insein prison as part of his second trip to...
Famous comedian and film director Zargana's prison term was commuted by 24 years by the Rangoon Division court on February 13. Now Zargana, who is...
The Burmese consulate in Hong Kong has denied that the Rohingya people are part of Burma's ethnic groups, saying that Burma does not have Rohingya...
The United Nations' Human Rights expert on Burma Tomas Ojea Quintana will begin a six-day visit to military-ruled Burma on Saturday to assess the...
Burma's military rulers have secretly extended the term of house arrest of the Vice- Chairman of the opposition party, National League for Democracy...
Burma's government in exile – the National Coalition Government of Union of Burma – today urged the ruling military junta to immediately begin a...
Burma's main opposition party the National League for Democracy on Thursday launched a signature campaign reiterating its call for the release of all...
The local authorities of Prome Township have banned the sale of poultry in the township after the death of some chickens due to the twisted neck...
The United Nations Secretary-General yesterday refuted dubbing his special envoy Ibrahim Gambari's recent visit to Burma a failure, saying his envoy...
For the first time, a Burmese News Agency in exile has been nominated for a prestigious press freedom award for its commitment and dedication on...
Burma's main opposition party the National League for Democracy on Tuesday urged the international community to provide humanitarian support and...
Burma campaign groups from 13 European countries have urged the European Union to strengthen its policy of sanctions on Burma and to pressure the...
Indonesia said it is allowing the United Nations Refugee agency access to nearly 400 Rohingya boatpeople, who were rescued from Sabang Island of Aceh...
The Editor and a reporter of Rangoon-based 'News Watch' weekly journal, have been acquitted, after being detained for over two months in the...
Burma's main opposition party - National League for Democracy - has welcomed the United Nations' Secretary-General's call for the Burmese government...