Maung P. Htaik, originally from Burma, has become the first US Marine killed in Afghanistan in 2011. The 20-year-old soldier, known to his friends as...
Burma’s Supreme Court in Naypyidaw on Thursday agreed to hear the National League for Democracy’s final appeal against the dissolution of the party...
The chairman of the Chin National Party, Pu Zozam, said that its first parliamentary bills have been drafted to promote tourism in Chin State and to...
About 800 Burmese university students in Kalaymyo in Chin State demonstrated and commandeered buses on Wednesday morning in protest over a 100...
The enactment of a military draft law, making most adult Burmese subject to serve in the armed forces, is likely to create more tension between the...
Burma’s new national, regional and state Parliaments will convene for the first time on Jan. 31, two months after the national elections, the state...
A Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) meeting held in the Burmese capital Naypyidaw on January 2 and 3, has decided to take action against...
The People’s Assembly (Pyithu Hluttaw) will convene in mid January according to Khin Shwe, law-maker elected to the national assembly from the junta-...
Funeral services at a local charity have hit a ten-year high, a spokesperson of the Free Funeral Service Association (Rangoon) said today in Burma...
The annual Kachin Manau Festival marking the 63rd Kachin State Day will be broadcast live by the Yangon based Studio 35 Company, the organising...
A class action brought by 63 farmers against a company with close links to Burma’s military junta over land grabs in Kachin State will wind up on...
Clashes in eastern Karen State between Burmese Army and Karen National Union guerrilla forces yesterday morning killed at least three junta soldiers...
The 23 Burmese crewmen of Liberian-flagged container ship MSC Panama, hijacked early this month by Somali pirates, have been allowed to contact their...
Transocean, the Swiss-American drilling firm being sued by the United States for its role in the recent BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, has...
Norway’s government has been accused of being “complicit in land confiscation, forced labour, killings, and upholding a repressive military regime in...