
The 88-Generation students who arrived at Myitkyina in Kachin State on Thursday have offered to help broker a peace deal between ethnic groups and...
Burma's National League for Democracy (NLD) has sent out about one million party applications forms prior to the April 1 by-election, but only about...
The New Mon State Party (NMSP) signed a four-point preliminary peace agreement with the Burmese Union government on Sunday, according to state-run...
A sign of changing times in Burma: a high profile public campaign to end sexual harassment on public buses by blowing a whistle.
Burma took a whack at destroying a portion of the huge opium crop, citing a total of 22,432 hectares of illicit poppy plants destroyed across the...
While speaking in the language of diplomacy, it was clear that Lower House Speaker Shwe Mann’s visit to China included talks on two sensitive issues...
Following the E.U. by a few months, Japan is expected to resume yen loans this spring for development projects in Burma, a senior government official...
Aung San Suu Kyi told supporters in Kachin State on Thursday that she will work in Parliament to create a genuine federal union in Burma with rights...
The latest twist in the auto business in Rangoon is online used car buying and selling websites, which dealers say has threatened the tradition way...
Burma’s festering HIV-AIDs crisis has again captured the headlines, as some 85,000 HIV-infected people are at risk of not getting adequate medicine,...
Aung San Suu Kyi travels to Kachin State on Thursday to meet with members of the Kachin National Consultative Assembly (KNCA) and campaign in several...
During the first week in March, the Karenni Nationalities Progressive Party (KNPP) will meet with the government peacemaking team to talk about a...
Burmese who are now citizens of foreign countries and living overseas will be allowed to return home and reclaim citizenship, local media reported...
An opening festival ceremony at the Shwedagon Pagoda in Rangoon this week marks the 2,600-year anniversary of the Buddha's enlightenment. It also...
Burma is poised to reap real trade benefits from neighboring countries following its opening up process, now with the Philippines where a bilateral...
