NLD not to re-register with Election Commission

NLD not to re-register with Election Commission
In a significant decision, which may have far reaching consequences in Burmese politics, the main opposition party the National League for Democracy ...

(Mizzzima) - In a significant decision, which may have far reaching consequences in Burmese politics, the main opposition party the National League for Democracy has decided not to re-register with the Election Commission for the 2010 general elections, following hectic parleys by the party brass at a meeting today.

"After a vote of the committee of members, the NLD party has decided not to register as a political party because the election laws are unjust," National League for Democracy (NLD) spokesman Nyan Win told reporters at the party headquarters in Rangoon.
The decision not to contest the election was decided unanimously at a meeting of members of the Central Executive Committee and Central Committee of States and Divisions, after heated debates both in the party fold and in Burmese political circles.

"Vice-Chairman Tin Oo, who was released from house arrest recently, announced two decisions taken at the meeting. One was not to register the party and another was not to abolish the party although it is not being registered," said a youth leader who was waiting for the party decision in front of the party office.

However, Aung Shwe, chairman of Burma’s National League for Democracy did not turn up for the  meeting of the party brass today, for a crucial decision on whether the party would re-register with the Election Commission.

A hundred and thirteen members of the party's Central Executive Committee and Central Committee attended the meeting today, except Aung Shwe (the chairman), U Lwin (secretary) and Lun Tin (CEC member).

Sources in the party told Mizzima that Aung Shwe had sent a message since yesterday, which said he would abide by the decision of detained party general secretary Aung San Suu Kyi.

The junta’s electoral laws announced on March 8, states if NLD wants to re-register, it must expel the general secretary  Suu Kyi, who was sentenced to 18 months under house arrest, 10 members of the Central Committee and other party members accounting for 430 odd.

If the NLD, 12 million members at a highest point, does not re-register within the 60 day deadline that ends on May 7, it’ll cease to exist automatically. There is a heated debate on among party leaders whether the party should be re-register.

On March 13, the leader of the party, Suu Kyi told her lawyers that she didn’t want the party to be re-registered.

During the meeting of NLD’s leaders, near the Shwegondine traffic light, two trucks of security men and two fire trucks were stationed. In the campus of the B.E.H.S (3) Bahan, there were eight trucks of security forces.