US concerned over detained Suu Kyi’s health

US concerned over detained Suu Kyi’s health
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The US state department on Monday expressed grave concern over reports of the deteriorating health of detained Burmese pro-democracy icon and Noble Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and the arrest and detention of her personal doctor last week...

New Delhi (Mizzima) – The US state department on Monday expressed grave concern over reports of the deteriorating health of detained Burmese pro-democracy icon and Noble Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and the arrest and detention of her personal doctor last week.

Ian Kelly, the department’s spokesperson, during a press briefing in Washington on Monday, said, “The U.S. Government is concerned about reports that Aung San Suu Kyi needs medical care and that the Burmese authorities have  detained her primary personal physician, Dr. Tin Myo Win.”

He said the US government calls on Burma’s military rulers to allow Aung San Suu Kyi access to medical attention, release her personal dDoctor and also allow her access to her personal lawyer.

Kelly said, as another year of Aung San Suu Kyi’s detention approaches, “we are reminded that the house arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi is unjust.”

The detained Nobel Peace Laureate will complete six consecutive years in detention on May 27, and according to her party officials, Burma’s law does not permit detaining a person for over five years on charges of disturbing national peace.

“We join the call of the international community and urge for her immediate release, along with the release of more than 2100 political prisoners the Burmese regime currently holds,” Kelly said.

The US’s concern came as the Burmese democracy icon is reportedly suffering from dehydration, low blood pressure, and is unable to eat food. She is also having muscle-cramps.

Nyan Win, spokesperson of her party – the National League for Democracy – said the pro-democracy leader was allowed to see her doctor’s assistant, Dr. Pyone Moe Ei, on Monday and given medical attention.

Pyone Moe Ei, who was also allowed to see Aung San Suu Kyi on Friday and put her on intravenous drip, is the assistant to Dr. Tin Myo Win, who was arrested on Thursday.

Burma’s military authorities on Thursday prohibited Dr. Tin Myo Win from entering Aung San Suu Kyi’s residence for his regular monthly medical check-up. And later in the evening, family members said, authorities arrested him and detained him.

While it is still not clear why he was arrested, it is widely believed that the arrest could have a connection with the surprise visit by an American man to Aung San Suu Kyi’s house.

Burma’s state-run newspaper, the New Light of Myanmar on Wednesday, May 6, said, an American was arrested from near Innya Lake in Rangoon, while returning from the residence of detained Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi having swam across.

According to the newspaper, the man identified as John William Yettaw swam across the lake on Sunday, May 3, and entered the residence of Aung San Suu Kyi and stayed there for three nights.

The US embassy in Rangoon on Tuesday said they have not received any response from the Burmese authorities on their request to allow a meeting with Yettaw.

Richard Mei, spokesperson of the US Embassy in Rangoon, told Mizzima, “We have repeatedly requested a meeting with the individual but have not got any response.”

He said, while he could confirm that John William Yettaw is an American citizen, who earlier visited Burma, he is unable to comment further as he has not been able to meet the man.