Diarrhea outbreak in Rangoon and Mandalay

Diarrhea outbreak in Rangoon and Mandalay
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A fresh outbreak of Diarrhea has reportedly killed four people in Rangoon’s Thaketa Township and led to 60 people being hospitalized in suburban North Okklapa this month, local residents said...

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) – A fresh outbreak of Diarrhea has reportedly killed four people in Rangoon’s Thaketa Township and led to 60 people being hospitalized in suburban North Okklapa this month, local residents said.

The disease which broke out on April 17 has not been checked by the Burmese regime’s health department with more and more people suffering from Diarrhea.

"It has been about six days now that people are suffering from Diarrhea. It seems to have been caused because of unhygienic water. Many people from our ward are suffering from the disease,” a local monk, who is providing assistance to patients, told Mizzima.

The monk said the number of patients to his knowledge has reached 61. The condition of several is severe requiring hospitalization.

“Most of the patients are young people," the monk added.

The local Peace and Development Council officials and members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) have arranged for a doctor and about 10 health workers to treat the patients at the local Buddhist prayer hall.

"We've just distributed the medicines and drinking water which were donated by our donor devotees. The doctors are treating the patients in rotation. The local authorities and health workers are distributing medicines and dehydration packages. We are sending those who are in a serious condition to hospital," the monk said.

A staff member of the township municipal body said that the health department is conducting a survey on the current outbreak of Diarrhea in the area.

"The outbreak is mainly in Ward No. 2 and the health department is currently conducting a survey and investigating the cause of the outbreak to determine whether it is due to water or other causes," he said.

Local authorities are also warning people in different localities over loudspeakers to be wary of Diarrhea and to use clean drinking water.

A similar outbreak has been reported in Burma’s second largest city of Mandalay, with local people saying the disease began spreading since last week before the start of the Thingyan (water festival).

"There is an outbreak of Diarrhea in the area, since before the Thingyan and it is still continuing. I think it's because of the hot weather and unhygienic drinking water and food,” a local resident of Mandalay told Mizzima.

“There are many diarrhea patients here both young and old. They are suffering from loose motion in quick succession. After about 10 times, the patients feel better if they get proper treatment. The situation is even worse in the outskirts. The immunization programme started two weeks ago," he said.

At least four people died after suffering from Diarrhea in early April in Rangoon’s Thaketa Township. The outbreak of Diarrhea has also been reported in other areas including Dawpon, Syriam and Pazuntaung Townships of Rangoon.