KNLA fights Burmese Army and DKBA

KNLA fights Burmese Army and DKBA
by -
Daniel Pedersen
Fighting broke out tonight at the Karen National Liberation Army's base camp in Wah Lay Kee between the KNLA’s 201st Brigade, the Burma Army and its allies the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army...

Mae Sot (Mizzima) - Fighting broke out tonight at the Karen National Liberation Army's base camp in Wah Lay Kee between the KNLA’s 201st Brigade, the Burma Army and its allies the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army.

Speaking at a border location at about 7.15 pm Colonel Nerdah Mya said the fighting was expected to carry on into the night.

For months now the camp has been on tenterhooks, with both DKBA and junta troops maintaining forward positions nearby.

The KNLA lost the camp once last year, but reclaimed it within a matter of days.

Colonel Nerdah said the Burmese Army and DKBA troops were now maintaining forward posts armed with heavy armour that was capable of hitting the main base camp at any time.