UN envoy Gambari to revisit Burma soon

UN envoy Gambari to revisit Burma soon
The United Nations special envoy to Burma Ibrahim Gambari is likely to revisit the Southeast Asian country to foster political reconciliation soon, a spokesperson at the UN office of the Secretary-General said...

New Delhi (Mizzima) - The United Nations special envoy to Burma Ibrahim Gambari is likely to revisit the Southeast Asian country to foster political reconciliation soon, a spokesperson at the UN office of the Secretary-General said.

The official told Mizzima that Gambari has a standing invitation from the junta to revisit Burma and it is possible to make another trip to the Burma anytime soon.

But the official declined to provide details of Gambari's next visit, saying, "He has a standing invitation [to Burma] but there is nothing we can confirm at this time."

Meanwhile, an Associated Press report quoting an unnamed diplomat said, Gambari is set to revisit Burma on January 31 to continue the UN's effort to "foster political reconciliation" in the country.

But during his last visit in August 2008, he failed to meet the Burmese junta supremo Snr. Gen Than Shwe while detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi spurned a meeting with him.

Burma's military rulers, despite Gambari's advice to implement a broad based political reconciliation process by kicking starting an all inclusive dialogue, have declared that it is gearing up for the fifth step of its political roadmap – the general elections in 2010 – which opposition groups have dubbed a sham.