Htoo Comapny to take over Malikha Lodge

Htoo Comapny to take over Malikha Lodge
by -
Zar Ni
The tour company owned by the 'Htoo' family is taking over a private hotel at a major tourist spot in northern tip of Burma. The ownership of 'Malikha Lodge' of 'Balloons Over Bagan' will be transferred to 'Myanmar Treasure Resorts' ...

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) – The tour company owned by the 'Htoo' family is taking over a private hotel at a major tourist spot in northern tip of Burma.

The ownership of 'Malikha Lodge' of 'Balloons Over Bagan' will be transferred to 'Myanmar Treasure Resorts', the subsidiary of 'Htoo Enterprises' owned by U Tayza believed to be close to top government officials. U Tayza bought the private hotel situated at 'Mulashede' village in Puta-O, Kachin State. 

"Yes, the ownership has been changed. For the time being, the management will be handled by 'Myanmar Treasure'. The hotel reservation and payment must be made to 'Myanmar Treasure," an official from Myanmar Treasure sales promotion department said. 

This transfer of ownership will be the third in a month to Htoo Co. and it will be come into effect on January 1, 2009. 

While the transfer of ownership is being carried out, hotel bookings and reservations will be handled by 'Balloons Over Bagan' until December 20. 

"We have started transferring hotel bookings to Myanmar Treasure. The customers must directly contact them later," an official in Malikha Lodge said. 

Some employees of 'Balloon Over Bagan' who do not wish to work under their new employer, 'Myanmar Treasure' are tendering their resignations. 

'Balloon Over Bagan' is the first ever business in Burma which runs hot-air balloons over scenic Bagan, one of the major tourist attractions and is an ancient city in middle Burma. 

Malikha Lodge, comprises eight fully furnished bungalows built in Mulashidi village besides the Mula creek. It is only a 15 minute drive from Puta-O. 

Puta-O is famous among foreign tourists who like to stroll in the scenic forests and go for boat rides in Mula creek. Tourists also indulge in bird watching, spotting rare butterflies, and beautiful wild orchids. 

The 'Aureum' hotel is under construction in the same area in Puta-O by 'Aureum Palace' hotel chains owned by 'Htoo Enterprises'. 

Malikha Lodge will continue to operate under the same name for the time being. 

Similarly Htoo Enterprises took over 'Kandawgyi Lodge' in Botanical garden, Pyinoolwin, Mandalay Division and 'Poppa Mountain Resort' from 'Woodlands Travel' in November this year.