Spy identified at opposition meeting

Spy identified at opposition meeting
by -
Than Htike Oo
A government informer sent by the Burmese Embassy was exposed at a recent meeting held by opposition members in Malaysia, according to participants in the meeting...

Chiang Mai – A government informer sent by the Burmese Embassy was exposed at a recent meeting held by opposition members in Malaysia, according to participants in the meeting.

A person attending a meeting for Burma affairs held at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on the morning of the 23rd of November, was later exposed as an employee of the Burmese Embassy in the Malaysian capital.

"When we suspected him, he was called and taken outside by two of our participants. Then they shouted, 'The intelligence official from the Burmese Embassy is here,' holding his ID card. Only after that, did we realize that a government informer was sitting among us," Than Pe, Chairman for the Arakan League for Democracy-Exile, and one of the participants in the meeting, told Mizzima.

The accused received frequent phone calls and the people at the meeting later suspected him after seeing him passing information on to those on the other end of the call.

The participants of the meeting seized his voice recorder and camera but let him go.

The meeting was attended by Dr. San Aung from the exile-government National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB) and Khin Ohnmar, Chairman of the Network for Democracy and Development (NDD), among others residing in Kuala Lumpur.

The meeting discussed and exchanged views on the current situation in Burma.