At least 15 activists transferred to remote prisons

At least 15 activists transferred to remote prisons
by -
Than Htike Oo
At least 15 convicted political activists were transferred from Insein prison in Rangoon to outlaying areas of the country this morning, according to an eyewitness...

Chiang Mai – At least 15 convicted political activists were transferred from Insein prison in Rangoon to outlaying areas of the country this morning, according to an eyewitness.

Those in question were dispersed to various prisons, including facilities in Paungde and Pyi in Bago Division, Bamao in Kachin State, Taungyi in Shan State and Thaton in Mon State this morning at about 7 a.m.

"I saw them being transferred to remote prisons early today while I was sitting at a teashop. I saw about 15 to 20 prisoners," a person who visited Insein prison this morning told Mizzima.

He also said that he learned from family members that NLD member Tun Tun Naing was sent to Meiktila prison, 'All Burma Federation of Students Union' (ABFSU) member Ye Myat Hein to Kalemyo prison and Buddhist monk Thaddama (a.k.a. Thet Zaw) to Myingyan prison, respectively.

Tun Tun Naing's wife, Ma Aye Thet, confirmed the news of her husband being sent to Meiktila prison in Mandalay Division and also said that it is difficult for her to see her husband in this new prison, which is far away from their home, due to financial constraints.

"I'll go and see him when I've got enough money. If not, I can't go to him," she said.

The junta brutally suppressed and cracked down the monk-led Saffron Revolution in September of last year, arresting numerous monks, NLD party members and 88 Generation Students. The junta has since sentenced them to long prison terms earlier this month, before now transferring them to remote prisons elsewhere in Burma.

In a statement issued on the 20th of this month, the NLD said that transferring convicted political activists seems to be designed to also punish their family members and will create more hurdles in finding a solution to the current political crisis in Burma, besides giving more worries to both the activists and their family members.

Similarly, the Veteran Politicians issued a statement on the 22nd of this month, saying, "We worry about the spreading and worsening of the current contradictions, as the junta is arresting, giving long prison terms and transferring convicted activists to remote prisons – which is an inappropriate action".