Registration deadline for illegally imported motorcycles extended

Registration deadline for illegally imported motorcycles extended
by -
Myo Gyi
The deadline for the registration of illegally imported motorcycles in northern Burma's Shan and Kachin states have been extended to October 31...

Ruili – The deadline for the registration of illegally imported motorcycles in northern Burma's Shan and Kachin states have been extended to October 31.

Initially the cut off date was October 21. But the Burmese military junta authorities in Muse, Kyukok-Panseng in northern Shan State and Myitkyina town in Kachin State announced the extension of the deadline because several two wheeler owners have not showed up for registration.

"The new license will be issued till the end of this month in Muse. The Road Transport authorities are inspecting two wheelers at the Muse city limit gate. They come across 100 unregistered and unlicensed motorcycles daily at the gate. After the deadline, all unlicensed motorcycles will be impounded," a motorcycle owner in Muse told Mizzima.

The inspection team comprises officials of the Road Transport Department, traffic policemen and the general police force. Registration of unlicensed motorcycles at the Road Transport Department office began on July 1.

Similarly a joint task force of the Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) and the police from Kyukok-Panseng Township in Muse District has announced and warned unlicensed motorcycle owners as of October 17 that field inspection will continue. It has told owners to register their unlicensed motor cycles by the end of October.

"With the town's main sports ground chock a bloc with motorcycle owners queuing up to register, officials are in a tizzy for they can make a fast buck by charging Kyat 40,000 extra for each two wheeler. Even the security police can hope for some extra income," a local resident from Myitkyina town said.

He added that an average of 500 to 800 motorcycles is being registered each day in Myitkyina. Till date over 80,000 two wheelers have been registered while about 200,000 two wheelers still await registration.

But with officials making extra money several motorcycle owners are still unable to register as they cannot afford the expenses.

Local residents said, officials take bribe depending on the country of manufacture, model and engine power of the motorcycles but even these license fees vary from place to place for the same model and the same brand.

The license fee for a Chinese-made two wheeler with a 110 cc engine is about Kyat 170,000 [USD 140], while a 125 cc cost Kyat 220,000 [USD 183]. The fees for a Japanese made 'Dream Super Cub' is Kyat 250,000 [USD 208] and Japanese made Yamaha DT Kyat 800,000 [USD 666], a local resident of Muse said.

But an extra Kyat 40,000 has to be paid apart from the official license fees in Myitkyina, capital of Kachin State.

The license fees for 2000-2003 model Chinese made motorcycle is Kyat 140,000 while for a 2007 model it is Kyat 150,000. For a 2008 model it is Kyat 160,000. It is Kyat 220,000 for a 125 cc engine. Japanese made motorcycles have a tag of up to Kyat 270,000.