Painter Wathone dies

Painter Wathone dies
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Famous painter Wathone died of pulmonary tuberculosis this morning. He was 61 and is survived by his wife San Aye, two sons and two daughters...

Chiang Mai – Famous painter Wathone died of pulmonary tuberculosis this morning. He was 61 and is survived by his wife San Aye, two sons and two daughters.

Ailing for a month Wathone was admitted to SCC hospital in Rangoon Shwegondaing on Sunday. He was taken back to home on Tuesday but died at 7:15 this morning.

'Wathone' a.k.a. Khin Hla was born to Hla Maung and Daw Than in 1947 in, Kandawgalay Ward, Rangoon. He began his career in 1964 drawing magazine illustrations.

One of his masterpieces is the 'Linkadepa Chitthu' comic strip.

He worked both with water and oils and exhibited his paintings in galleries in 1970. He was overtly fond of water colour paintings.

He learned Batik screening and painting from Ba Swe in Rangoon and exhibited his art work in Seoul, Korea in 1988 and in Philadelphia, US in 1993.

A short documentary video film made on his life won an international award.

'Sketch of Wathone', directed by a woman director 'Kyi Phyu Shin' won an award at the 5th film festival organized by the Washington D.C. based 'National Geographic'.

His funeral cortege will leave his Rangoon Thingangyun residence on Thursday at 3 p.m. he will be cremated at the Yeway cemetery.