Tourist arrival in Burma drops by over 33,000

Tourist arrival in Burma drops by over 33,000
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Tourist arrival from Mingalardon airport in the mid-year period has recorded a sharp decline by more than 33,000 compared to the corresponding period last year ...

Tourist arrival from Mingalardon airport in the mid-year period has recorded a sharp decline by more than 33,000 compared to the corresponding period last year, according to an official report.

The report prepared by the Burmese Ministry of Tourism available with Mizzima reveals that there has been a decrease of 33,192 tourists in the last count of visitors coming to the cash-strapped country through the main international gate way in Rangoon.

During the period April to August, 2008, the highest number of visitors was 40,671 from Asia while West Europe accounted for 4,076. The third place was occupied by North America at 8,053 whereas Africa had the lowest figures at 209.

The report suggested that the number of tourists visiting Burma in 2007 fell after the monk-led uprising in September 2007. The figures decreased by over 20,000 a fall of 5.9 per cent compared to 2006.

In 2006, over 2, 63,000 tourists visited Burma thorough the Mingalardon airport.

The situation in the tourism industry is going from bad to worse as more travel agencies complain of reservations becoming rare for November from the European market although the tourism season in Burma starts from mid-September.

"Some Asian tours are still operating but the numbers are few," said an agent targeting Asian and European visitors.

A tour operator of a travel agency targeting the French market said 'We only have a package tour in mid-October this year. Last year we were booked for the whole month".