Junta arrests another opposition MP, Ohn Kyaing

Junta arrests another opposition MP, Ohn Kyaing
by -
Nem Davies
With the crackdown on anti-regime forces continuing unabated, the Burmese military junta on Wednesday arrested another opposition party leader, Ohn Kyaing from his residence in Rangoon, the party spokesperson said...

New Delhi – With the crackdown on anti-regime forces continuing unabated, the Burmese military junta on Wednesday arrested another opposition party leader, Ohn Kyaing from his residence in Rangoon, the party spokesperson said.

Nyan Win, spokesperson of the National League for Democracy, said Ohn Kyaing, an elected Member of Parliament of the 1990 general elections, was picked up from his home in South Okklapa Township on Wednesday midnight.

"At about 10 p.m. (local time) on Wednesday several officials raided and searched the house of Ohn Kyaing. They seized several documents and took him away at midnight," Nyan Win said.

The detained Nobel Peace Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's party spokesperson, however, said details of the arrest of the MP are still not known.

"We don't know the reason behind his arrest. If he has been arrested, the way it is usually done by the authorities, I think we will never know the truth because they [authorities] never provide the truth," Nyan Win said.

He declined to give further opinion on the arrest saying guessing about the reasons behind his arrest could be dangerous for the MP.

"As his family members are still not clear about his whereabouts, we are unable to confirm where he is being detained," Nyan Win added.

Ohn Kyaing, a former journalist and an elected MP from Mandalay Southeast Township constituency No. (2), has been a member of the NLD since its inception in 1988. He was arrested by the authorities in 1990 on charges of writing articles that caused 'disaffection to the state and for threatening the state's security'. He was sentenced to 17 years in prison.

He was released on January 3, 2005 from Taungoo prison in Pegu division.

The 63 year-old NLD MP also served as the chairman of the 'Nargis emergency relief committee' formed by the party.