Junta releases three NLD youth members

Junta releases three NLD youth members
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Burma's authorities have released three of the nine National League for Democracy (NLD) youth members who were arrested on Saturday while on their way to attend the party's 20th anniversary ceremony...

Chiang Mai - Burma's authorities have released three of the nine National League for Democracy (NLD) youth members who were arrested on Saturday while on their way to attend the party's 20th anniversary ceremony.

The three opposition youth – Htet Htet Oo Wai, Aung Myo Lwin, and Nyi Nyi Lwin – were released on the evening of the same day after being briefly interrogated, Htet Htet Oo Wai told Mizzima.

"We were taken to the northern district police station in Insein and were briefly interrogated. Then they sent us back home at about 2 p.m. (local time)," Htet Htet Oo wai said.

She said the police mainly questioned them on the bomb blast case at the Shwepyithar Township Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) office and asked them for their personal details before releasing them.

In early July a small bomb exploded at the Shwepyithar office of the USDA, a government-backed civilian organization, damaging furniture and windows. The junta blames student activists and dissident groups based along the Thai-Burmese border for the act.

But on the day following the blast an armed student armed, the Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors, claimed responsibility for the blast, saying they had targeted the USDA office as a warning to its members to stop acting as the junta's puppet organization.

Meanwhile, the other six who were reportedly arrested remain unidentified and it is still unknown as to whether or not they have also been released, a NLD youth leader said.

"Shan Ma is not among those arrested. But since she and I have been together frequently, people thought she was also arrested when they heard that I was picked up. As for the rest, we are still trying to identify them," Htet Htet Oo Wai said.

Nyan Win, the NLD spokesperson, on Saturday said the three arrested were seen picked up by plainclothes policemen at the Oat Lan bus stand near the NLD head office on Shwegondine Street in Bahan Township.

"I started crying when they started beating me and dragging me into the vehicle. Then Htet Htet Oo Wai also began crying and asked them not to beat us, after which they stopped. When we arrived at the police station they separated us and questioned us on the bomb blast," Nyi Nyi Lwin told Mizzima by telephone.

Security was severely tight on Saturday near the NLD office as the party marked its 20th anniversary. The function was attended by recently released senior NLD party leaders Win Tin, Khin Maung Swe and Dr. Than Nyien.

Eyewitnesses said several government officials in plain clothes were seen at the opposition's main office as well, taking video footage and photo records of Saturday's proceedings.

"We missed the party's anniversary ceremony. I think we were deliberately taken away so as to miss the ceremony," Htet Htet Oo Wai surmised.