KNU denies causing mine blasts

KNU denies causing mine blasts
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Karen rebels have rubbished the allegation of the Burmese junta's state-run newspaper today where the Karen National Union has been blamed for the twin explosions last week in central Burma ...

Chiangmai - Karen rebels have rubbished the allegation of the Burmese junta's state-run newspaper today where the Karen National Union has been blamed for the twin explosions last week in central Burma.

David Htaw, spokesperson of the KNU said that their organization does not believe in hurting innocent people. "If there is an explosion, the regime will always portray organizations on the border as terrorists," he said.

The New Light of Myanmar, the government mouthpiece claimed that bomber, Saw Yar Ko (a) Saw Yangon was arrested on information from people. It added that the detainee is from KNU battalion (20). Moreover, the paper also mentioned that the All Burma Student Democratic Front (ABSDF) and Vigorous Burmese Students Warriors (VBSW) have conspired and sent terrorists inside Burma.  

On September 11 two land mines were detonated by timer devices in Kyaukgyi Township in Pegu division which killed two and injured nine.

Police Chief Khin Ye said at a press conference in Naypyitaw last week that the opposition political party National League for Democracy and members of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters were behind five blasts in 2008 including one explosion in July at a branch office of the junta's proxy group Union Solidarity and Development Association.

However, the VBSW a few days ago took responsibility for the bomb blast in the USDA office.