Gambari to brief Security Council today

Gambari to brief Security Council today
United Nations Special Envoy to Burma, Ibrahim Gambari, is poised to meet with Security Council members Thursday morning in New York, according to the office of the Secretary General ...

United Nations Special Envoy to Burma, Ibrahim Gambari, is poised to meet with Security Council members Thursday morning in New York, according to the office of the Secretary General.

In a Wednesday press conference at the U.N. in New York, spokesperson Michele Montas informed reporters that Gambari was due to meet with the Security Council the following morning, after which it is expected he will hold his own press conference regarding his ongoing efforts in Burma.

Gambari's mission has recently been decried "a waste of time" by the opposition National League for Democracy, and critics have been further frustrated by the lack of communication from the Special Envoy in the weeks following his visit.

Also yesterday, Montas clarified the position of the international body with respect to a petition from elements within Burma's democratic opposition to unseat the junta's representative at the U.N.

Though addressing their plea to the Secretary General, Montas pointed out that the Secretary General does not deal with such matters, the correct forum for such a review being the General Assembly's Credentials Committee.

"The Secretary-General can only convey this letter to Members of the General Assembly," Montas said of the missive from the opposition camp. "As you know, the matter of credentials is something that is handled by the General Assembly."

The Credentials Committee will convene following the opening of the 63rd seating of the General Assembly – due to commence on September 16th.

China, Russia and the United States were joined on the committee last year by Angola, Chile, Namibia, Singapore, Suriname and Switzerland. A new slate of nine members is to be appointed at the onset of this year's General Assembly meeting.

Gambari left Burma on August 23rd, after which he met with leaders in Thailand and Indonesia before briefing Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Turin, Italy. He has previously met with, and received the support of, the President of the General Assembly.